onsdag, oktober 17

Hippotherapy, Equine Assisted Therapy

Väldigt intressant, det ingår dock i en skoluppgift och det gör det hela mycket tråkigare.... Varför är det så? Jag tycker ju att det är intressant egentligen. När man måste något blir det plötsligt väldigt ointressant...

Taget från http://www.americanhippotherapyassociation.org

SHARING STORIES to grow: “Treatment with the help of the horse.”
“Every lock is said to have a key”

Every lock is said to have a key, One day in April 2011, I found that key for me, when I began my hippotherapy with a wonderful group of people
through the Special Strides hippotherapy program.
I am an adult who was born with cerebral palsy.

Susie Rehr, my physical therapist for this “journey,” and her team of very dedicated volunteers, make hippotherapy a  very unique experience, as they find a
way to tailor their program to the needs of each individual’s abilities, from children to adults.
And in my case, Susie had quite a task ahead of her, at least in my opinion.
Age and time for me began showing itself through more and more difficulties with my daily life of living with cerebral palsy, and slowly I began to lose the independence of my mobility.
And for me giving up hope was never an option.
Through Hippotherapy at Special Strides that is exactly what these therapist and volunteers do; they will turn over every proverbial rock to find
the right answer for you, keeping that hope alive, and the results of participating in the hippotherapy program at Special Strides is nothing short of miraculous to me.
As I have begun to regain the mobility I thought may be lost to me.
In riding my horse, I find a connection and a freedom of movement that brings me such serenity.
It is amazing to me how the horse retrains my gait through their strides, and gets me moving again.
It seems almost “effortless” on my part, but believe me it is hard work for me and the horse.
My “journey” with my ever patient and caring physical therapist, Susie, and the other fabulous people and horses in Special Strides Hippotherapy program still continues….
And for that reason I am forever thankful.

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