torsdag, november 8


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Lite trist att det, med tanke på majoritetssituationen i senaten och representanthuset, i princip inte spelar någon roll vem som är president då denne kommer tvingas kompromissa så mycket att resultatet blir det samma...

Han är bara sur för att Romney förlorade, jävla mormonjävel! Romney alltså..! Våldta kvinnor och sedan förbjuda dom att göra abort, era jävla svin, dra åt helvete!

After waking up to an sms reading that Romney was in the lead I fell aslepp again into worried angry dreams, I dreamt about Romney winning, I dreamt about bombs falling over Iran (they still probably will under Obama but I still have a little hope that he might try to stay out of new colonialist wars) and I dreamt that I made a status update on facebook (hah! I almost never even right any) saying "U.S.A = Idiocracy", today I am glad to see that my friends in America do not have to live in a complete idiocracy (Maybe that can be discussed anyway but our society over here is pretty Idiocratic to) but can strive forward within a regular mediocracy! Congratulations people of U.S.A "democracy" (hrrm yeah right) seems to be not completely wasted on you!
If Obama is reading this, please mr try to deserve that peaceprice in retrospect, I know its not worth shit now that the EU is getting it, but still, come on, enough with the drones now, the murder of women and children around the world, enough of the uraniumspiked bullets leaving radioactive radiation in the walls and soil of small poor towns for millions upon millions of years, and enough of the missionary attitude, get the U.S secular and get rid of that habit, it isn't nice to shove your views down other peoples throat no matter if its christianity, capitalism or even democracy (and if you still want to push the latter please get it right at home first, a country that in effect has two parties to choose from is not a very good role model on democratic values, a twoparty system is just a little bit better than a one party system).

Lite lång utläggning men "idiocracy" var ett nytt ord, sure thing. 

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